Learner Autonomy in the FL classroom

The latest issue of Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching (Volume 5, Issue 2, 2011) is a special issue, edited by Turid Trebbi, which brings together papers from the 10th Nordic Conference on Language Learner Autonomy in the Foreign Language Classroom (2009, Bergen, Norway).

The Table of Contents is accessible here: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rill20/5/2

The papers included are as follows:

Reinforcing the what, the why and the how: challenges and change for language learner autonomy
Turid Trebbi
pages 101-110

Training teachers to cope with the inherent variability of their office
Henri Holec
pages 111-118

Pedagogy of autonomy for difficult circumstances: from practice to principles
Kuchah Kuchah & Richard Smith
pages 119-140

Introducing aspects of learner autonomy at tertiary level
Anja Burkert
pages 141-150

Enhancing pedagogy for autonomy: the potential of a case-based approach in promoting reflection and action
Manuel Jiménez Raya
pages 151-163

Students’ representations of the teacher’s role in the language resource centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg
Pia Acker & Nicole Poteaux
pages 165-175

Explicit reflection, evaluation, and assessment in the autonomy classroom
Leni Dam & Lienhard Legenhausen
pages 177-189

Analyzing student practice in language resource centres of the Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg: is planning really central to self-directed learning?
Peggy Candas
pages 191-204

The notions of control and consciousness in learner autonomy and self-regulated learning: a comparison and critique
Tim Lewis & Elodie Vialleton
pages 205-219

Why autonomy? Insights from motivation theory and research
Ema Ushioda
pages 221-232