New book: How Interculturally Competent am I? An Introductory Thesis Writing Course for International Students

Please note that this book is aimed at undergraduates writing a dissertation, not postgraduates writing a PhD thesis. Nevertheless, it may be of interest to anyone involved in university work.

I am pleased to announce the publication of a new textbook (aimed at undergraduate students) focusing on the development of intercultural competence through thesis writing. I hope you’ll take a look:–An-Introductory-Thesis-Writing-Course-for-International-Students1-4438-5170-1.htmBest wishes

New books:
1. How Interculturally Competent am I? An Introductory Thesis Writing Course for International Students 
2. Social Identities and Multiple Selves in Foreign Language Education
3. Critical Cultural Awareness: Managing Stereotypes Through Intercultural (Language) Education
4. Native-speakerism in Japan: Intergroup Dynamics in Foreign Language Education
5. Intercultural Dialogue in Practice Managing Value Judgment through Foreign Language Education
6. Developing Criticality in Practice Through Foreign Language Education