CultNet 2014

CultNet 2014


My symposium contribution – entitled “The Challenges and Possibilities of Investigating English Language Teaching from an Intercultural Perspective” – has been accepted for the 2014 CultNet meeting hosted by Durham University from April 25th – 27th 2014.

CultNet, originally established by Professor Michael Byram, a leading figure in the fields of intercultural communication/education and foreign language education, is a long-standing forum for early career researchers exploring intercultural aspects of language education. As such, it represents exactly the type of Forum suiting both my stage of researcher development and my topic areas. Attendance and participation at, and contribution to, this event will enable me to become more fully connected to the community of doctoral (and other early career) researchers in my area and through the critical, expert audience aspects of the event, I will receive invaluable insights on my developing research design (which has just passed through Panel).


I changed my presenation title to “The ASEAN Context of Intercultural ommunication: Roles and Purposes of Thai ELT.” Please click CultNet_Khwan_1 to see it. Thanks 🙂