Three articles on Qualitative Inquiry by Kenneth Gergen and Friends

Kenneth Gergen is disseminating three papers on aspects of qualitative research that he has written, one as sole author and two as co-author. He writes:

I humbly attach three papers that I hope could be useful in supporting our qualitative endeavours. The first is the recent American Psychologist article by Ruthellen Jossleson, Mark Freeman and myself on the rich potentials of qualitative inquiry. The paper champions the pluralism in the qualitative community, along with the many potentials of such work over and above their utility in the positivist tradition. The second paper, on evaluating qualitative research (from the first issue of Qualitative Psychology) proposes that traditional positivist criteria for evaluating qualitative research are largely irrelevant to much qualitative inquiry. The final paper (in press, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour) is a bit more edgy, but offers substantial argument favouring action research and other forms of future building inquiry. I hope the papers may be put to good use.

Gergen_2014_Pursuing excellence

Gergen_2015_Promises of Qualitative Research

Gergen_2014_Mirroring to World-Making