Book review

Dear all,

My review of the book entitled “English language teachers on the discursive faultlines: identities, ideologies and pedagogies” has been published in Language and Intercultural Communication journal.

There are varying opinions as to whether graduate students should write book reviews. The practice of reviewing academic books obviously has pluses and minuses; however, I found the process very helpful. My writing was first reviewed by the book reviews editor of the journal, so I had the opportunity to receive useful feedback on my writing from a scholar apart from my supervisory team. After I received the comments, I tried to address them and make necessary revisions. Responding to the reviews and comments was a good practice for me. Also, during the manuscript preparation process for publication, I gained experience in checking proofs and making minor revisions in accordance with the guidelines of the journal and the content editor. Besides all these merits, you get a free book to add to your own library! 🙂