Andy Kirkpatrick on ‘English as a Lingua Franca in Asia: Suggestions for ELT/ELF Policy and Pedagogy’, Bath

Andy Kirkpatrick, Visiting Professor in the Language and Educational Practices research cluster of the Department of Education, University of Bath, will give his first research seminar presentation at Bath on Tuesday 16th June.

Title:  English as a Lingua Franca in Asia: Suggestions for ELT/ELF Policy and Pedagogy

Time: 2pm

Place:  CB 4.1, Chancellors’ Building, University of Bath main campus, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY

Abstract:  In this presentation I shall review recently conducted research studies which used data from the Asian Corpus of English (ACE) ACE. ACE is a corpus of some one million words of naturally occurring data of English used as a spoken lingua franca by Asian multilinguals. Eight data collection teams across Asia worked together to collect and transcribe the corpus. ACE is now freely accessible and stored at the Hong Kong Institute of Education ( The studies looked at the cultural settings of topics discussed in the ACE corpus, the marking or non-marking of tenses and the communicative strategies of ELF speakers. The presentation will conclude with proposals, based on the research findings, for regional ELT or ELF policy and pedagogy.

Biopic:  Andy Kirkpatrick is currently a Visiting Professor in the Language & Educational Practices research cluster of the Department of Education at the University of Bath. He is Professor in the Department of Languages and Linguistics at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. He has lived and worked in many countries in East and Southeast Asia, including China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar and Singapore. He is the author of English as a Lingua Franca in ASEAN: a multilingual model (Hong Kong University Press). He is the editor of the Routledge Handbook of World Englishes. His most recent books are English as an Asian Language: implications for language education, co-edited with Roly Sussex and published by Springer, and Chinese Rhetoric and Writing, co-authored with Xu Zhichang and published by Parlor Press.  He is founding and chief editor of the journal and book series Multilingual Education, published by Springer, and has recently been appointed editor-in-chief of the Asia Journal of TEFL. He is Director of the Asian Corpus of English (ACE) project.