Call for Papers – English Scholars without Borders

ENGLISH SCHOLARS BEYOND BORDERS would like to announce a 2-day international conference/ symposium on December 3-4, 2015 at Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey.

Call for Papers
Proposals for papers (20-30 minutes) or for a symposium session (90-minute, 3/4 participant sessions) should include: brief biodata, a 50-75 word abstract and a one page summary of approximately 300 words (for each participant if the format is a symposium). A 500- 1000 word summary of the paper or symposium will later be required for accepted proposals for the conference book prior to the conference. A full paper may then be submitted for the 2017 issue of our journal, English Scholarship Beyond Borders, vol. 3.
Please e-mail proposals to in an attachment.

Extended Deadline for proposals: September 30th, 2015. Early proposals will be processed within 1 week.
ESBB focuses mainly on looking for connections beyond national borders and beyond narrow disciplinary borders. Possible conference themes include but are not limited to:

  • crossing interdisciplinary borders;
  • approaches to language and language teaching with relevance across borders and disciplines;
  • new approaches to any applied linguistic discipline that expands horizons in fields such as materials design, approaches to assessment;
  • making connections between different aspects of our field;
  • a local EFL/ESL/EIL issue preferably but not obligatorily related by any of the themes above;
  • Integrated curriculum including content and language integrated learning (CLIL)

(ESBB is a totally not-for-profit academic circle and as such neither any member nor the circle itself benefits in any way financially from the conference. All conference financial arrangements are dealt with by the local hosts and co-organizers)