Reading group: CHAT, Identity politics, and Activism

CHAT, identity politics and activism reading group will take place on Tuesday 18 October at 4.15pm – 5.30pm in room C2.17, Ellen Wilkinson building. We are beginning by focusing on the concept of perezhivanie, which is described by Vygotsky (1934/1994) as ‘emotional experience‘ which is ‘an indivisible unity of personal characteristics and situational characteristics’; or as Blunden (2016) describes, ‘a unit of development of the person as a whole’. In our first meeting we will be discussing the following articles from the latest Mind, Culture and Activity special issue on this topic:

Any interested staff and PGR students would be very welcome to join us. From the 18th October we will be meeting every two weeks at the same time and place each week (4.15pm in room C2.17, EW).


If you would like to come along please email at: just so we have an idea of numbers.