A Creative Event of Global Citizenship: Deal with each other in the spirit of Ubuntu


Ubuntu is a South African word, which translated means: “A person is a person through other persons,” or “I am because you are.” It reflects a set of African values that reinforce our humanity and connectedness.

This creative programme of activity brings together a world-class social scientist with students from Manchester universities and two community artists.  An exhibition, a walking tour, and creation of a collaborative artwork, will help to create a unique experience themed around global citizenship and the idea of ‘community’ that will shine a light on the ways in which social sciences and the creative arts can come together.

Please use this link to sign up to attend:

Time: 2 – 5pm
Date: 9th November 2016

Place: Brooks Building, Manchester Metropolitan University,

Bonsall Street, Manchester M15 6GX

Reception tel:+44 (0) 161 247 2646

For more information, please visit this website.

*This event is completely free and open to all.