Recent research published by LANTERN members

Hi there!

Find attached recent research published by LANTERN members.

Tantiniranat, S. and Fay, R. (2018). Developing an ELF-aware intercultural purpose in the Thai university context. In N. Sifakis and N. Tsantila (eds.), ELF in EFL contexts (pp.74-92). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

Volha Arkhipenka, Susan Dawson, Siti Fitriyah, Susan Goldrick, Andrew Howes & Nahielly Palacios (2018) Practice and performance: changing perspectives of teachers through collaborative enquiry, Educational Research, 60:1, 97-112, DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2017.1421475

Let us know your thoughts on these publications.
If you would like to tell LANTERN members about your recent work send us an email and we will spread the word, alternatively you can log in the blog and create a post! 🙂