{call for submissions} Intercultural Communication Interest Section (ICIS_TESOL) Newsletter call for submissions.
ICIS invites you to contribute to the Summer 2021 Newsletter. Submissions for this issue will be due on April 19, 2021. Feel free to contribute and to reach out to friends and colleagues who might also like to contribute.
We are looking for:
- Feature articles (up to 1,750 words). Share your research projects, classroom practices, professional development, etc.
- Lessons – share a lesson or unit you have found to be effective.
- Anecdotes and stories (up to 1,000 words). Have you observed something interesting or unique? Do you want to share your thoughts and reflections on something that happened in your practice? There is space for that in our newsletter!
- Compilation and evaluation of useful resources (up to 700 words). Share a bibliography or a list of references that always comes in handy.
- Interviews– Interview professionals in the field, a member of the TESOL community or beyond.
- Reports and reviews (up to 700 words). Write about a great book or an article that you read, or talk about a conference that you attended.
- Conferences, webinars (upcoming webinars, are you a member who would like to share ideas in a webinar?)
There are copies of past newsletters on our community webpage if you want to check out for some reference and inspiration.
Submissions should
- have the title in ALL CAPS,
- list a byline: author’s name with hyperlinked email, affiliation, city, country.
- include an author photo,
- include a 2-3 sentence (or less) teaser for the Newsletter Homepage,
- be no longer than 1,750 words (includes bylines, teasers, main text, tables, and author bios),
- contain no more than five citations,
- 2- to 3-sentence author biography at the end of the article, written in the third person,
- follow the style guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition (APA style) or Purdue OWL,
- be in .doc or .docx format.
All figures, graphs, and other images should be sent in separate jpg files.
You can also co-author a piece with a colleague.
If the author includes a photo, it must be:
- a head and shoulder shot
- a jpg
- width = 120px, height = 160px
- clear, clean, professional, appropriate to the article
The newsletter is a great venue to showcase your work and share your ideas with our community. We look forward to seeing your submissions! Please send your articles to newsletter.icis.tesol@gmail.com with the Subject Line “ICIS Newsletter Submission”.
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