Narrative journals
Having just been to the Narrative Matters 2010 conference, I am reminded of the following journals which may be useful for those narratively-inclined:
Narrative Works: Issues, Investigations, & Interventions — a new online, open-access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinaryjournal committed to exploring the complex role of narrative in countless aspects of human life. This is a new venture from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative (CIRN) at St Thomas University, New Brunswick, Canada. The first issue is scheduled for January 2011.
Storytelling, Self, Society: An interdiciplinary journal of storytelling studies
Storyworlds: An interdisciplinary journal of narrative theory that features research on storytelling practices across a variety of media, including face to face interaction, literary writing, film and television, virtual environments, historiography, opera, journalism, graphic novels, plays, and photography, studied from perspectives developed in such wide-ranging fields as literary theory, discourse analysis, jurisprudence, philosophy, cognitive and social psychology, AI, medicine, and the study of organizations. Published by the University of Nebraska Press.
Don’t forget the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE) it is quite high brow, but welcomes both practical and theoretical papers, has a decidedly international flavour (Elsa Gonzalez y Gonzalez is the Managing Editor so it is not as Anglocentric as many journals) and is happy to stray into provocative and controversial areas. Recent contributors include Denzin and Tierney so getting published in QSE should earn one a few brownie points….