Saharan Narratives: transformative intercultural education experiences

Richard Fay and Elena Gomez (see Research Associates page) are planning an article on the University of Cordoba’s Sahara Visit by trainee teachers: ‘Narratives of Teacher Development through Encounters with Otherness: from Cordoba to the Sahara, and back again’. Its main goal will be to explore the intercultural experience from an educational viewpoint of the 15 teacher students from the Faculty of Education (at Cordoba) who take part of the project each year. We will analyze the data from their written papers on the project experience, much of which is both reflective and narrative in character.  In particular, these participants have to write a report on their school experiences in the Refugees Camp, reports in which they analyse school data, structure, educational system, and their opinions on all this, compared to Spanish school system. We expect this article to be short (about 3,000 words) with Intercultural Education or Narrative Works as possible outlets.

Elena and Richard