Listing for our NM2012 Paper & Panel proposals

First, in alphabetical author order, the full set of our nine Paper submissions, then the details of the Panel (with six potential contributions):


Mira Bekar – Co-constructing the social and interactive self in online text-based chats [abstract]

Magdalena De Stefani — Reflexivity in action research: exploring the role of narratives [abstract]

Richard Fay and Leah Davcheva – Being Jewish in Bulgaria: The changing stories of Sephardim about Ladino [abstract]

María Elena Gómez Parra and Richard Fay – Using stories of sojourner experiences to inform curriculum design [abstract]

Tanya Halldórsdóttir — So you think you know Scheherazad  [abstract]

Lou Harvey – Where fiction becomes reality: A narrative of language learning motivation [abstract]

Eljee Javier – Narratives as a methodological tool: Re-presenting stories for further reflection on the racial and linguistic aspects of English language teacher identities [abstract]

Sophia Kariotaki – This is not my shoe: A story of a non-CBT psychotherapist working in a CBT-dominated context [abstract]

Magda Rostron – Narrative quid pro quo – telling stories in the classroom and beyond [abstract]

Xiaowei Zhou – Acculturation as storied culture learning experience [abstract]

PANEL SUBMISSION – “Subverting StorYlines

Panel description: We all live storied lives. The stories that we tell, and that are told of us, not only describe the world in which we live, but they help to create it, for they shape each and every aspect of our lives from our daily routines and rituals to our hopes, dreams and fears. For each individual and within each family, each community, each culture, and all the many and various in-groups within them, certain storylines will be made available and privileged whilst others will be denigrated or denied. Storylines can be enabling and empowering, but they can and do also exert a constraining and restraining influence on lives. Dominant storylines tend to reinforce the views of those in power, and reflect their gender, age, class, race and political or religious persuasion, marginalising those who cannot or will not conform. The limited number and nature of storylines available to those at the margins means that very often they must work with and around the storylines available to them, by turn recasting them, repositioning them, reworking them and often subverting them so that they become sites of resistance. Explorations of this process are especially rich and powerful in feminist thinking and it is upon this foundation that we present a range of stories with the power to challenge the status quo and disrupt received wisdom (e.g. binaries). The panel will draw on domestic, national, professional, ethnic, religious and linguistic identities to demonstrate the ways in which subverting dominant storylines can not only liberate individuals and groups from their ‘prisons of received identities and discourses of exclusion’ (Best & Kellner 1991: 57), but make new storylines available for those similarly marginalised.

Reference: Best, S. & Kellner, D. (1991). Postmodern theory: Critical interrogations. New York: Guildford.

We have submitted two ‘Papers’, each containing three contributions as follows:

Subverting Storylines 1: [paragraphs]

1. Female roles in Uruguay: Whose storyline am I subverting? (Magdalena de Stefani)

2. “I do speak English!”: Subverting the native speaker storyline using narratives from ex-colonial teachers (Eljee Javier)

3. ‘Quiet’ learners? – Subverting stories about Chinese students(Xiaowei Zhou)

Subverting storylines 2: [paragraphs]

1. Being Jewish – and Bulgarian? (Richard Fay & Leah Davcheva)

2. Isolation and connection: Subverting Russian national identity (Lou Harvey)

3. Right Religious Rebels (Tanya Halldórsdóttir)


  • Richard Fay

    It’s just a pity you can’t join us 🙁

  • Mariam Attia

    This is all very impressive. I had the pleasure of reading through the abstracts, and look forward to hearing about the success of your paper and panel submissions. Best wishes to you all.

  • Richard Fay

    I have taken the editorial decision to cut the comments and to add the information as downloadable pdfs to the original posting. I hope this is ok with everyone ….