Training materials in Elf

We are pleased to announce the release of our interactive course for teachers, Changing Englishes, available via the British Council/BBC TeachingEnglish website at

or directly at:

The course is designed for experienced and trainee teachers of English, as well as teacher trainers. It will particularly benefit teachers who are open to new ways of thinking about their subject and their profession, and are interested in English as it is learned and used around the world, especially as a lingua franca.

The course is published under a Creative Commons Licence, which means that users are free to use any of the materials in their classes, or re-purpose them as workshop materials.

A British Council research report discussing the theoretical underpinnings of the course, its development and trialling, is available at:

We would be grateful if you would bring the course to the attention of interested colleagues (and students) in Applied Linguistics and ELT.

With thanks,
Chris Hall and Rachel Wicaksono

Dr Christopher J Hall | Reader in Applied Linguistics
Centre for Languages and Linguistics | York St John University | Lord Mayor’s Walk | York  YO31 7EX | United Kingdom<