Housekeeping Msg — and Juup's discussion group

Dear All (ongoing doctoral students)
The new Semester is now underway so it’s time to note that:
1. you should all have set up your first supervision sessions and ideally have an agreed sense (if not an actually diarised agreement) of the regular supervisions to follow (fortnightly for full-timers, monthly for part-timers).
2. new starters (on the PhD Education) should also have some clarity over the assessed and other research training planned for this year — but there may be some question marks over this in the case of 3 year students which you will need to discuss further with your supervisory team
3. Year 2 students on 4 Year PhDs and Year 1 students on 3 year PhDs should have a sense of when their Panel most probably will take place – January 2014 and June 2014 respectively – again, please discuss this with your supervisors if in doubt
4. eProg has been somewhat slimmed down this year and there seem to be no ongoing Supervision forms to record your progress – I am suggesting that instead you use the Additional Form after each supervision
5. Year 1 students will soon encounter the joys of the eProg Expectations form – something that should be completed in discussion with your supervisors
6. Juup should be in contact with you all soon about the re-start of a doctoral reading group for LTE
Have I missed anything?


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