A Developing Bibliography on Reflection & Reflexivity

This is what I have so far – any suggested additions:



  • Magda Rostron


    To add another title – I think Holliday’s article “The value of reconstruction in revealing hidden or counter cultures” – is another valuable resource in reflexivity discussion. It is a demanding but fascinating text. One fragment in particular dazzled me and left me speechless (a rare treat ;-))) with wonder:

    “…It is by trying reflxively to understand what happens when, as an inevitable consequence of being there, she disturbs the surface of the culture she is investigating, that the researcher is in a position to dig deeper and reveal the hidden and the counter..” (278). Apart from the sheer structural and cognitive beauty of this sentence, the idea that a researcher can disturb the surface of “the researched” in a constructive and productive way is inspiring.

    Holliday, A.R. (2004). The value of reconstruction in revealing hidden or counter cultures, Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1, 3, 275-294.


  • Achilleas Kostoulas

    Of possible interest (with thanks to Juup): —- Now added above (RF).

    Canagarajah, S. (2005). Rhetoricizing reflexivity. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 4(4), 309 – 315.
    Holliday, A. (2005). How is it possible to write? Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 4(4), 304 – 309.
    Nelson, C. D. (2005). Crafting researcher subjectivity in ways that enact theory. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 4(4), 315 – 320.
    Pennycook, A. (2005). Performing the personal. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 4(4), 297 – 304.
    Pillow, W. (2003). Confession, catharsis, or cure? Rethinking the uses of reflectivity as methodological power in qualitative research. Qualitative Studies in Education, 16, 175-196.
    Ramanathan, V. (2005). Situating the researcher in research texts: dilemmas, questions, ethics, new directions. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 4(4), 291 – 293.

  • Magdalena De Stefani

    And also

    HERTZ, R. (Ed.) (1997) Reflexivity and Voice, London, SAGE.

    Richard: also now added.

  • Magdalena De Stefani

    I found this article very interesting because it talks about reflexivity during the doctoral experience:

    Mauthner, N & Doucet A (2003)’Reflexive Accounts and Accounts of Reflexivity in Qualitative Data Analysis’ Sociology 2003; 37; 413 http://soc.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/37/3/413

    Thanks Made, I have now added it to the above Bibliography. Richard