LANTERN (Lunch-time) Talks in 2016
So, with many thanks to Susan (organiser-in-chief), Paul and Alex, and Khwan, Elisa and Fitri (our speakers), to Peter (technological support), we have made a good start on this community-building, research-in-progress sharing, LANTERN profile-raising endeavour – thank you one and all as well as to those who have supported the events with attendance and questions and discussion afterwards – it is now timely to begin looking ahead to possible talks next year ….. I have heard rumours that we might have:
* a session on arts in research (Min and Kellie)
* a session on narrative (Fitri)
* a session perhaps from Duygu
and I am certainly willing to add something to the mix – e.g.something on intercultural awareness through music, or on transcultural knowledge landscapes (with Min) – if there’s space.
The main thing is that these sessions are a source of obligation or pressure but rather opportunities for sharing work in progress.
Maybe, via a Comment reply, you could indicate what work you might like to bring to the series next year?
Meanwhile, it’s time to sign off on LLT for 2015. All the best for the festive season and New Year.
Fitri, Volha and I were talking about presenting something related to the Coalition of Schools Research project that we are all involved with, along with Nahielly (we still need to talk to her about it). Guided by Andy Howes, we are doing a mini research project alongside the work we do for the coalition with the aim of writing an article at some stage. A presentation sometime later in the year would be a good way of testing out some of our ideas/presenting initial findings. We have not really got going with it yet, so it would be May at the earliest, maybe later that we would be ready for this I imagine.