Call for papers – Individuals in Contexts: Psychology of Language Learning 2 (or PLL2)
Please see the call for presentation proposals in this international conference, organized for the second time. The first one was held in Graz, Austria, in May 2014.
This one will be held from Monday, August 22 – Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Conference theme
The conference will focus on the role of psychology in learning and teaching languages and address among other things such key issues in the field as:
- learners and teachers as individuals with various aspects of their psychology involved, including self-concept, motivation, identities, beliefs, agency, emotions, strategies, styles, etc.,
- the learning process and its outcomes, and
- the diversity of contexts where the learning and teaching of languages takes place these days.
Academic programme
In addition to the talks delivered by plenary speakers, the programme will consist of paper and poster sessions, colloquia and workshops.
- Talks by plenary speakers
o Phil Benson, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
o Maggie Kubanyiova, University of Birmingham, UK
o Sarah Mercer, University of Graz, Austria
- Presentations by conference participants
The submission of proposals opens on February 1, 2016 (see, and closes on March 15, 2016. The submitting is done by filling out an online form.
o Types of presentations: 1) paper, 2) poster, 3) colloquium (with thematically related papers, discussion and audience participation), and 4) workshop (with hands-on activities based on some data or a specific topic)
o Length of abstracts: paper or poster (300 words, max., including references), colloquium (500 words, max., including titles of papers but no mention of presenters by name; and if a proposal is accepted, an abstract will be requested for each paper, 300 words, max.); workshop (500 words, max.)
o Length of presentations in the conference: paper (20 min. and 10 min. for questions and answers), poster (size AO, max.), colloquium (90 or 180 min.), workshop (90 min.)
o Language policy: The language of the conference is English. If a presentation is based on data in any other language, use of multilingual material (e.g. in Power Point slides, handouts) is recommended.
The proposals for any type of presentation will be evaluated anonymously by at least two members of the PLL Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee, and they will be evaluated for their
- contribution to the field
- quality of content
- thematic relevance
- quality of abstract (organization, clarity of expression)
- for colloquia/workshops: clear schedule of activities, discussion and/or audience participation
Proposal acceptances will be sent out by early May 2016 (see Important Dates).
The conference will be held in Paviljonki, a modern conference centre, in the heart of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Registration will open on the conference website on May 2. Those whose proposals get accepted will have to register by May 15. The conference fee is EUR 225–300 for regular participants and EUR 100 for students, and it includes lunch and refreshments.
The social programme will include a conference dinner in a restaurant with panoramic views over the City of Jyväskylä, and a half-a-day excursion to Mänttä, a great destination for lovers of fine arts and nature – about 1.5 h drive west of Jyväskylä. The dinner and excursion are for additional fees.
For any queries, please email: or visit our website at
Organizing Committee
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