Collaboration for innovation [New Chapter]

.. and I am pleased to let you know that the following chapter has now been published:

Edge, J. & Attia, M. (2016). Communication, technology, and collaboration for innovation. In A. Tajino, T. Stewart & D. Dalsky (Eds.), Team teaching and team learning in the language classroom: Collaboration for innovation in ELT (pp. 115-126). London: Routledge.


The demands of ICT in education grow at an accelerating rate, placing increasing pressure on teachers to engage in on-going experimentation. Innovation is facilitated when colleagues feel supported by a communal sense of mutual regard and thus encouraged to develop their strengths. Communication lies at the heart of community. Furthermore, a shared, conscious effort to extend communicative repertoire can enhance that sense of community. Learning to use non-judgemental language when appropriate can create safe spaces for risk-taking based on a respect for plurality, in which interdependence supersedes individual isolation and group conformity.

And here is more detail about the collection.

I am having negotiations with the publisher to make the chapter available via Durham University depository.