Researching Across Languages and Cultures: A guide to doing research interculturally

This new book offers a useful guide for academic researchers, doctoral students, research supervisors and Masters students who carry out empirical research in multilingual or multicultural contexts and/or are writing about their research for a diverse readership across the world. Researchers who come from and work in monolingual societies often forget that their context is unusual – most of the world live in multilingual contexts, where linguistic shifts and hybridities are the norm. The two authors (Anna Robinson-Pant and Alain Wolf) with extensive experience, together with a number of their existing or former research students, share insights into these issues that surround language and culture in research.

Key topics include:

  • The role of the interpreter and/or local research assistant in the research process and the ethics of translation.
  • Constructing knowledge across cultures: addressing questions of audience, power and voice
  • Academic literacy practices in multilingual settings
  • The doctoral student’s role within the geopolitics of academic publishing and forms of research dissemination
  • The pragmatics of mediated communication (implicatures, intentions, dialogue)

You can find the book on Amazon or as an e-Book in a range of digital formats.