Publish and Perish

“How many points would Louis Pasteur, Henri Poincaré, Claude Shannon, Tim Berners-Lee and others nowadays earn within the new academic evaluation system?” The latest issue of Computer Assisted Language Learning carries a thought-provoking editorial on the “publish or perish” syndrome. Jozef Colpaert, the editor, argues that the evaluation practices currently in place in the academe are ultimately self-defeating, resulting in what he […]

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Of paradigm shifts in (scientific) research Thomas Kuhn: the man who changed the way the world looked at science Fifty years ago, a book by Thomas Kuhn altered the way we look at the philosophy behind science, as well as introducing the much abused phrase ‘paradigm shift’ …. John Naughton The Observer, Sunday 19 August 2012

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The 5 minute Linguist

The Five-Minute Linguist – Bite-sized Essays on Language and Languages (Second edition) Edited by E.M. Rickerson and Barry Hilton HB 9781908049940 £50; PB 9781908049490 £13.99; 320pp The Five-Minute Linguist has been a popular introduction to the subject of language because it is succinct, clear, accurate, — and fun to read. Now in its second edition, updated and expanded, the book has […]

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Neoliberalism and Applied Linguistics – new book notice

Block, D., J. Gray & M. Holborow (2012) Neoliberalism and Applied Linguistics. London Routledge. Neoliberalism and Applied Linguistics argues that while applied linguistics has become more interdisciplinary in orientation, it has ignored or downplayed the role of political economy, namely the way in which social, political and economic factors relate to one another within the context of a capitalist economy. […]

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