I am copying here an exchange originally buried elsewhere in the blog …
Has anyone been using eScholar via the University of Manchester? It’s basically an in house data repository site hosted by the uni and made available for every staff and student of the uni. Depending on copyright issues regarding open access, you can upload published work onto the site.
It’s a tool made available for all students as a further way of managing and disseminating our work. It looks to be a good tool to use and could be good for the LTE group when gathering our papers together?
Staff have to use it – so that our institution to can keep track of our scholarly work and its impact etc (for the RAE, REF etc) – and I have to say that I find it useful as a repository of the listing of my work as well as potentially for the actual copies of it. When I was completing my entries for a review in January, I saw that it even allows me, for better or worse, to include (some of) my musical compositions …. So, I would recommend it to you all. Maybe it can interface with the blog pages you all have? …. wishful thinking?