I must be a profound thinker, and men like that naturally don’t speak very much

I was intrigued by Magdalena’s recent reflexivity post, but – in a shamelessly selfish way – what I took away from reading the post seems to reveal more about myself than her. This extract was quite illuminating, especially if one considers what could be there but isn’t: There was also the discussion on the narrative-reflexivity link, which helped me to […]

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Discourse analysis anyone?

Greetings to you all!  Now that the summer is here most of us, I suspect, are either: a) buried under the pile of reading for a dissertation/abstract/research b)  teaching / working crazy hours during the summer to make ends meet for the fall c) procrastinating by doing anything (i.e. online shopping, lurking on Facebook, blogging here) other than researching d) […]

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Ethnography and Education: Volume 5 Issue 2

Julian has alerted us to the following volume which may be of interest to some: Ethnography and Education: Volume 5 Issue 2  is now available online at informaworld Special Issue: ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN THE FIELD: THE COMPLEX NATURE OF DOING EDUCATION ETHNOGRAPHY Guest introduction; Ethical dilemmas in the field: the complex nature of doing education ethnography, Pages 123 – 127, […]

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A Developing Bibliography on Reflection & Reflexivity

This is what I have so far – any suggested additions:   Bolton, G. (2005). Reflective practice: Writing and professional development (2nd edn.). London, Sage. Borg, S. (2001). The research journal: A tool for promoting and understanding researcher development, Language Teaching Research, 5, (2), 156-177. Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D. (1985). Reflection: Turning experiences into learning. London, Kogan […]

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The panel experience and advice for future candidates

PANEL_PRESENTATION_JUNE_2010   On June 22nd I presented my research proposal to the PhD panel with the title of my proposal being ‘Teachers in transition: a case study of EAP teachers’ applications of blended learning approaches before, during, and after a series of teacher training workshops.’ The research proposal itself was submitted to the panel on 11th June (eleven days in […]

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Doing Research Multilingually: the Durham seminar

This two-day, exploratory seminar finally took place on 7th and 8th July in the School of Education at the University of Durham. It was, in keeping with the ‘exploratory’ character of the discussions, a small event. Here is a list of participants and their contact emails. In some ways, the topic of this seminar can be understood to be a subset of the following, somewhat broader […]

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