Doctoral Study and Getting Published

Richard and I are very happy to announce that we have finally submitted a manuscript of our latest edited collection, Doctoral Study and Getting Published: Narratives of Early Career Research, to Emerald for publication. The book, which will be part of the Surviving and Thriving in Academia series, brings together theoretical contributions and narratives about how early career researchers in […]

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Complex Dynamic Systems Theory in Language Education

This is just a brief note to announce that Juup Stelma and I have just submitted an article for publication at the International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (Elsevier; H. Nesi & P. Milin, eds.) The article is entitled Complex Dynamic Systems Theory in Language Education, and it is part of the ongoing collaboration between Juup and me, exploring how complexity […]

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{New article} Congratulations on Edd’s new paper published in Teaching and Teacher Education Volume 113, May 2022, 103662

Research paper The affordances beyond what one does: Reconceptualizing teacher agency with Heidegger and Ecological Psychology Abstract There has been a recent growth in interest in the concept of teacher agency. However, teacher agency remains somewhat ill-defined and is also difficult to map onto everyday teaching practice. This article attempts to outline a model of teacher agency which is rooted […]

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{job opportunity} Assistant Professor – Teaching (Intercultural Communication) University of Warwick

Assistant Professor – Teaching (Intercultural Communication) (105141-0222) Vacancy Type/Job category: Teaching Only Department: Applied Linguistics Salary: £42,149 – £50,296 per annum Location: University of Warwick, Coventry Vacancy Overview: Permanent position, 36.5 hours per week. Closing Date – 14 Mar 2022 For more detail, please click Here.

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{job opportunity} Assistant Professor – Teaching (TESOL) Warwick University

Assistant Professor – Teaching (TESOL) (105142-0222) Vacancy Type/Job category: Teaching Only Department: Applied Linguistics Salary: £42,149 – £50,296 per annum Location: University of Warwick, Coventry Vacancy Overview: Permanent position, 36.5 hours per week. Informal enquiries to Professor Ema Ushioda, Head of Department, Applied Linguistics ( Closing Date 14 Mar 2022 For more details, click Here.

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{call for proposal} elements in intercultural communication

Elements in intercultural communication  ‘Elements’ are 20,000-30,000 pieces of academic work published predominantly in digital format. General overview here: Cambridge Elements information for authors Combining the best features of journals and books! Cambridge Elements are original, concise, authoritative, and peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific research, organised into focused series edited by leading scholars, and providing comprehensive coverage of the key […]

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How can we rebuild ELT as a resilient profession?

A while ago, the German philosopher Theodor Adorno was being interviewed by Der Spiegel, a German news magazine, about the 1968 student protests. The journalist started the interview by saying that “two weeks ago, the world seemed still in order…”, to which Adorno replied: “not to me” This quote often comes to mind when discussing the COVID pandemic. No matter […]

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{Interesting article} Rejecting abyssal thinking in the language and education of racialized bilinguals: A manifesto

Rejecting abyssal thinking in the language and education of racialized bilinguals: A manifesto by Ofelia Garcia, Nelson Flores, Kate Seltzer, Li Wei, Ricardo Otheguy & Jonathan Rosa is readable online.   Abstract Following Boaventura de Sousa Santos, the authors of this article reject the type of “abyssal thinking” that erases the existence of counter-hegemonic knowledges and lifeways, adopting instead the […]

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{New Article} The Skilled Teacher: A Heideggerian Approach to Teacher Practical Knowledge

Hi everyone! I’m glad to announce that Edd Aspbury, one of the members of our LANTERN community, will have his article entitled “The Skilled Teacher: A Heideggerian Approach to Teacher Practical Knowledge” published in Curriculum Inquiry. Congratulations again, Edd! Please click here if you want to read the full text.

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{call for Papers} Dialogue-shared Experiences across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices

6th ESTIDIA Conference 15-17 June 2022 University of Alicante, Spain (European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue) Dialogue-shared Experiences across Space andTime: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices Call for Papers 6th Conference ESTIDIA 2022 Conference website:  Conference Theme From the Socratic dialogues to post-modern cyberchats, it is only in and through communicative interaction that we can understand the world, people, and […]

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{New Book} Transcultural Communication Through Global Englishes

Transcultural Communication Through Global Englishes :An Advanced Textbook for Students by Will Baker and Tomokazu Ishikawa just got published. Here’s a brief introduction: This textbook introduces current thinking on English as a global language and explores its role in intercultural and transcultural communication. It covers how English functions as a lingua franca in multilingual scenarios alongside other languages in a […]

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{New Textbook} Intercultural Communication: Pathways to Better Interactions

The book is a language and social interaction-focused intercultural communication textbook for undergraduate students with no background in language or (inter)communication studies – the kind of student the author has been teaching for about a decade and a half. It was designed to engage specifically those students who enroll in intercultural communication to satisfy their universities’ general education or core […]

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{academic workshop}“Dialogue with and among the Existing, Transforming and Emerging Communities” 

Academic Workshop   “Dialogue with and among the Existing, Transforming and Emerging Communities”  Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 09:30-17:00 For registration and more about the workshop, programme and speakers please visit The Journal of Dialogue Studies and Dialogue Society would like to invite you to the Academic Workshop entitled “Dialogue with and among the Existing, Transforming and Emerging Communities” on Wednesday, […]

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